To put things shortly: My name is Caitlin and I am a 1997 born ginger from Bangor, Maine that now somehow lives in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
I can’t remember a time in my life where I didn’t love gaming. In fact, I remember my first video game being a Sesame Street game on the PS1 back when I was just a little tyke. My childhood enjoyment of gaming continued when my father bought an original Xbox and I started playing games such as SSX, Star Wars Battlefront and Call of Duty (When my parents weren’t paying attention, of course). Some of my greatest childhood memories are of early Saturday mornings, eating overly-sugary cereal, and playing Star Wars Battlefront with my brother. Oh, the memories . . .
Life went on, my family moved to North Carolina, and I got new consoles and video games. I now own every PlayStation console (1, 2, 3, and 4), an original Xbox, a Wii, and a PC. For the most part, I like to stick with using my various PlayStations (mostly because those are the consoles that I have the most games for).
I came across Nerd Bacon in December of 2013 while I was browsing Craigslist. Naturally, I’m a very opinionated person and I thought ‘What the hell! I love gaming and spreading my opinions, why not write reviews?’. I responded to the posting and not long after I started writing reviews as a contributor. And now I’m an author!
If you should know one thing about me is that I’m an over achieving perfectionist. In the real world I’m an AP student with a 4.0+ weighted GPA that volunteers and participates in extracurriculars, but here at the Bacon I go over every review and article tirelessly before I even consider submitting it for editor review and then I check it some more. Is it time consuming? Yes, but it makes me feel amazing when I get an article just right.
In terms of the real world, I am primarily a student but I am also I am a total band geek (I’ve been known to tell a good story or two about band camp). I play the Bass Clarinet in the concert band setting, Piccolo during marching band season, and occasionally flute when needed. Because of my involvement in the musical arts I tend to take a video game’s soundtrack into consideration when I am reviewing a game (hence why Assassin’s Creed 3 got such a high nerd rating).
The main reason I am here is because I take comfort and enjoyment from writing. Nerd Bacon provides me an outlet and I couldn’t be more proud to be a part of the team.
If you want to drop me a line go ahead and email me at, I’m always open to discuss games, news, or just chat.
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