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The Game Tasty Show
Tuesdays @ 9PM EST/8PM Central

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  • Nerdberry: Dude I found this game to be insanely difficult. Like... well-made, but the whole "turn around to shoot people while……
  • Nerdberry: Man you're so right! I wish I had it in me to get rid of some of my stuff. But……
  • Nerdberry: Facts! I wrote this article 10+ years ago though. I think it's due for an update.…
  • Nerdberry: Unfortunately no! Can't say I have! I know the area, my family is from around there. Thanks for the heads……
  • Jam: Thank. Very Nice write-up with amusing ramblings.…
  • Andy Bentley: Have you tried North Country Smokehouse out of Claremont, N? Great Bacon!H…
  • Sol: I wonder whatever became of Steamy Windows? Mybe it was so bacd that even Vivid found it too much, who……
  • Minorkle: Us Carolinians do take pride with our bacon…

What is is a place where regular people can come and read what other regular people think about all facets of video gaming.  The founders possess collections of video gaming paraphernalia large enough to impress (or scare) almost anyone, and together there isn’t much we don’t have covered, particularly when it comes to the older stuff.    Since our inception, we have worked diligently to build up a team of contributors designed to explore all avenues of video gaming and provide their own expertise. is constantly growing and changing.  Each and every day new articles are added to our archives and we are always hard at work making minor improvements around the website, recruiting new writers to the cause, and positioning ourselves to carve out our own little niche on the Internet.  Our current goal is to provide you with in-depth coverage of everything from the games themselves to the machines that run them.  As we grow, so do our interests and scope, so be on the lookout for new sections and continuous coverage.

While a couple of us do most of the heavy lifting around here, is a collaborative effort that owes its existence to the time and energy that all of its members have put in.  Yes, we are still small, but we are expanding in leaps and bounds.  Anyone can help us out and become part of the team, simply contact us to find out how.

We hope that any and all visitors can find something of interest here, but if not, check back soon.  As our vision grows closer to a reality with each passing day, we aim to be a major authoritative source on video games without the elitism and pretension that can sometimes plague larger sites.  Like a growing infant or budding flower, Nerd Bacon changes often and frequently, constantly learning as we go.

So stay awhile, tell us what you think, and keep coming back as we work day and night to become one of the web’s most ambitious and tolerant gaming communities.  Don’t forget to take a few minutes to meet the founders as well as Nerd Bacon’s most dedicated and hardworking authors.

NerdBerry and The Cubist


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