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Shadow Links Top 10 Games

Shadow Links Top 10 Games

As a veteran gamer who enjoys all sorts of games in a wide variety of genres, I’m going to run down 10 of my favorite games of all time. While not necessarily considered to be the best games ever made, these are my personal favorites.


PokemonSnapPokemon Snap (N64)

Bet you never thought taking pictures would be so fun. Well with Pokemon it is. A very unique game loaded with outstanding graphics.


valkyria-chronicles-2Valkyria Chronicles (PS3)

Take a turn based strategy game, add in a dose of real time combat, and fill it out with awe inspiring watercolor and sketch book graphics and you have me drooling.


showposterSuper Smash Bros. Melee (GC)

The ultimate mash-up of Nintendo characters in a 4 player party game? Check. A unique fighting experience unlike anything before or after it? Check. An outstanding and everlasting experience? Check. What more do I need to say?



teamRatchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal (PS2)

In their 3rd entry to the Ratchet and Clank series, developer Insomniac pushes the PS2 to the limit with this action shooter. Considering the popularity of weapons that wear down over time in games, being able to upgrade weapons to ridiculous proportions simply by using them is a relief.



batman-arkham-asylum-wallpaper-337Batman Arkham Asylum (PS3/360)

Rocksteady took it upon themselves to reimagine the waning Batman image in the video game world. And they certainly got it right considering the vast success spanning 4 games now. The jaw dropping (literally heh) Free-Flow Combat caught a lot of attention in its brutality and easy-to-use nature. Don’t forget they also went back to Batman’s origins as a detective, which was implemented more successfully in later games.



star_wars_battlefront_wallpaper-1280x1024Star Wars Battlefront 2 (PS2/Xbox)

Seeing a lower quality game like this making its way onto a top 10 list might be odd for some. However I am a Star Wars fan and I dont even know how many hours I sank into this game. Whether playing as a Stormtrooper, Super Battle Droid, or a Jedi in a heroes vs villians match, there is always fun to be had.



3763220-borderlands_2_wallpaper_v2_by_ajle9550-d6xfumhBorderlands 2 (360/PS3/PC)

Four Player Shooter with RPG elements. Need I say more. Yes. Because Borderlands 2 took the base that the original was and expanded it to epic proportions. So many guns….

Read full review here.



Tales-of-SymphoniaTales of Symphonia (GC/PS3)

This monster sized RPG epic took 2 GameCube discs to hold the game. It was the first Tales game that really took off in the US as it introduced the linear battle system and later earned a sequel on the Wii and an HD collection on the PS3 as well as inspiring most of the mechanics for other Tales games.



2613730-metal_gear_solid_3_hd_wallpape_by_dpmm07-d484daiMetal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater/Subsistence (PS2/PS3)

In the 3rd entry to the Metal Gear Solid series we are brought back to a prequel that tells the epic origins of Big Boss and the high stakes mission versus the acclaimed COBRA unit and THE BOSS. In typical Kojima style there is tons of extra content waiting to be found in addition to the new aspects introduced in the Russian wilderness including camouflage and a multi-map sniper fight. Although cutscenes are over the top to the point of being a movie, you can’t deny the beauty.

Read full review here.



radiatastories_1Radiata Stories (PS2)

This may seem out of place considering how much less known it is compared to the rest of my list, but it is easily my top game. Breathtaking watercolor visuals, a massive character recruitment mechanic, a heart wrenching story with 2 paths, and just the right amount freedom makes this my top game.


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