Sega Announces Game Gear Micro… But Why?
Let me just start by saying: I’m a big Sega fan. Always have been. I was introduced to Sega and Sonic at a young age, and I was in such awe! So with that said, I could not resist the opportunity to weigh in on some of Sega’s most recent offerings – namely the newly introduced Game Gear Micro.
In a move that came as quite a shock, Sega announced that they will be releasing the Game Gear Micro set, a 4-piece collection (all sold separately) of extremely miniature Game Gears with 4 built-in games each. Sounds pretty cool, huh? So why I am saying that this is quite a shock? Because, simply put, one has to ask: is there a demand at all for the Game Gear and its games? And if so, how do Game Gear fans feel about playing on a 1.15″ display screen? Let’s answer that soon, but first, let’s look at what we got here:
The dimensions of each Game Gear Micro are approximately 3″ x 1.7″ x 0.8″ with a 1.15″ display – featuring a single speaker, headphone jack, and charging port. There are 4 Game Gear Micro systems available with 4 different colors. Each system houses 4 built-in games (no crossovers, of course).
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Puyo Puyo 2
- Out Run
- Royal Stone
- Shining Force Gaiden: Ensei
- Shining Force: The Sword of Hajya
- Shining Force Gaiden: Final Conflict
- Nazopuyo Aruru No Ru
- Sonic Chaos
- Gunstar Heroes
- Sylvan Tale
- Baku Baku Animal
- Revelations: The Demon Slayer
- Megami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible Special
- Columns
- The GG Shinobi

photo credit to Rappler
I still can’t figure out why Sega feels there’s a demand for this. The demand is in the games, not in a keychain-sized toy that’s too small for a grown man’s hands. The sheer awkwardness of the system, and the high price tag ($200 to collect them all) diminishes Sega’s intended desire: to get these games in the hands of fans and newcomers alike. But I guess Sega wants to be different? Which is good, but I am bewildered, to say the least.
I have not gotten my hands on them just yet, and I’m not totally sure that I will. For $250 you can have all 4 systems + the magnifying glass attachment. Which, mind you, is designed to magnify the screen… Which raises the question: why the hell is the screen so damn small? The magnifying glass takes away all portability BUT makes the screen more visible. Hm.
For everything awkward and odd and weird and confusing about the Game Gear Micro, I must admit that the games selection is not half bad. I’m a fan of the Megami Tensei Gaiden series inclusion + Gunstar Heroes, and I’m oddly in favor of the lack of rampant Sonic games. Why? Because the Sonic Gems Collection for GameCube features 6 Sonic (or Tails) Game Gear games, so at least these Game Gear Micro systems reduce game crossover / redundancy.
The final verdict is still out on this. Will the Game Gear Micro be a success or a total dud? I can’t speak for Japan, because heck, maybe this has a place there. But I have a feeling this is not going to be hit with massive fanfare stateside, which may be why they’re currently only being sold in Japan. What say you, ol’ Baconeer? Do you think these contraptions should be released in America? Leave your dumpy comments below.
Featured image credited to Mobile Syrup
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