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Nintendo Announces GameCube Controller Adapter for Wii U

Nintendo Announces GameCube Controller Adapter for Wii U

Since the release of Super Smash Bros. Melee for the GameCube, a strong and lasting competition base has sprung up.  If you even begin to scratch the surface of the competitive SSB circuit, you’ll be dumbfounded by the endless jargon and borderline legalese that pervades these fans’ “enjoyment” of the series.  While casual competitors do exist, there’s also a well represented uber-serious segment of players.  Depending on the host, rules are highly varied and to the uninitiated seem almost ridiculous: certain characters are banned, certain stages are banned, hacks have been created to either enhance or diminish certain mechanics or outright glitches, and there is nearly always a debate raging somewhere about how to make Super Smash Bros. Melee (and SSB Brawl to an extent) the most “balanced and fair” possible version of itself.  Personally, I can’t understand why these folks can’t simply learn to play the game that was made instead of castrating every possible advantage, but hey, what do I know?  Legions of players take this shit extremely seriously.

Super Smash Bros. Melee Competition

Super Smash Bros. Melee Competition

It looks like Nintendo has been paying attention.

Wii U - GC Adapter

The new GameCube controller adapter for the Wii U. (Courtesy of Nintendo Life

Many players long to see the GameCube controller return to “official” duty ever since the controller ports were removed during the transition from the Wii to the Wii U, and with the newest SSB set to drop sometime this winter, Nintendo aims to please.  An adapter will be released for the Wii U allowing players to use the original GameCube controller.  Looking much like an old-school multi-tap, one end plugs into one of the Wii U’s USB ports, and the other end provides slots for up to 4 GameCube controllers.  It’s been rumored that Nintendo may even release new GameCube controllers for the occasion!

However, the announcement sounds a little strange compared against an earlier statement from Nintendo.  Geared towards any games supporting the “classic” Wii and/or Wii U controllers, Nintendo has developed a wired “fight pad” alongside Performance Designed Products (PDP).  Like a classic controller, this “fight pad” will be plugged directly into a Wii Remote.  According to PDP, an entire line of character-themed “fight pads” will be released, featuring Nintendo heavyweights such as Mario, Peach, and Yoshi.  As of right now no official images have surfaced, but the device is expected to debut at this year’s E3.

The question is, will these products end up competing with each other?  Or will no one buy either of them amidst the confusion?  Will either of these hold the interest of a casual gamer, or are the folks who can’t move on from SSB Melee going to be the only ones excited?  And just what the hell is the “fight pad” if not a “controller” tailored to fighting?  Nintendo isn’t exactly known for churning out fighting games apart from the SSB series, so have both of these items been created for only a single game?  Hopefully we won’t have to wait too long to see this “fight pad” in action.

Lastly, here’s a video detailing new info about SSB tournaments, with the adapter revealed at the end.

So how interested is the general public in getting their hands on either of these?  Is it a gimmick, or is it a legitimate “complaint” that Nintendo is elegantly addressing?  If you’re like me, you’re wondering why the hell, after a year and a half, this is Nintendo’s “gitft” to Wii U owners.  What do you think?  Is the GameCube controller that important?  Is the “fight pad” really going to be all that different than the “classic” and “pro” controllers already released for the Wii and Wii U respectively?  Let’s hear it!


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