Fatal Frame – PlayStation 2
The first in this groundbreaking survival horror franchise, Fatal Frame follows Miku Hinasaki, a young girl who traverses the Himuro mansion in search of her brother Mafuyu. Loosely based around a Shinto “Strangling Ritual” Miku comes across all kinds of aggressive spirits all bent on preventing her from interrupting the ceremony. Players control Miku as she wanders through the Himuro Mansion, killing spirits by taking pictures of their souls with her camera obscura.
Resident Evil – GameCube
Lots of zombies were killed, some pants got wet, and blood curdling screams were heard (from the game?) all while Nerd Bacon.com and reviewer, Steroid Gamer, played the 2002 GameCube version of Resident Evil.
Illbleed – Dreamcast
Teen smarty-pants Eriko refused to go with her friends to the horror-themed amusement park Illbleed, despite the fact that anybody who can get from start to finish wins $100 million. When her friends went missing after visiting the park days ago, Eriko takes it upon herself to go rescue her friends. Is Illbleed the jump-scare and cheap thrills amusement park she thinks it is? Or is it over run with a staff of zombies, killers, demons and more? Come find out for yourself in this Dreamcast cult classic.
Dead Space 2 – PC
Proto Joe jumps in the middle of the Dead Space franchise with Dead Space 2, a third person survival horror that’s loaded with action but lacking in scares.
The Last of Us: Remastered – PS4
Scott PM adds further praise to one of the most critically acclaimed games: The Last of Us!
Five Nights at Freddy’s – PC
Nerd Bacon writer Sarus Vakarian reviews the insanely popular, and rightly so, indie survival-horror game.
State of Decay – Xbox 360 (Live Arcade)
Nerd Bacon’s writer Rhutsczar just finished playing State of Decay, giving it an okay score stating it is one hell of an emotional ride…plus zombies.
P.T. – PS4
Nerd Bacon author ChronoSloth explains how P.T. will make your stomach hurt and your body ache for the next Silent Hill.
Unturned – PC
The bizarre lovechild of DayZ and Minecraft, Unturned has come to Steam Early Access, Darth Omix at Nerd Bacon Reviews gives their input on this experience.
Alice: Madness Returns – Xbox 360
Platform: Xbox 360 Developer: Spicy Horse Publisher: Electronic Arts Release Date (NA): June 2011 Genre: Horror Nerd Rating: 7.5 out of 10 *Reader Beware! This here review contains some slight […]
F.E.A.R. – PC
What is fear, exactly? The first definition offered by Merriam Webster is simply “to be afraid of (something or someone).” That’s quite fitting, considering the fear experienced in First Encounter Assault Recon (F.E.A.R.) is just that, “to be afraid of (Alma).”
Outlast – PC
Do you prefer to enjoy gameplay? When you play a game, would you like to feel comfortable and at home with the game’s bland setting, simple plot, and the ever-lovable static characters? As you pick up the controller, do you smile as you immerse yourself into your warm gaming world? If you answered yes to any or all of the above, Outlast is NOT for you.
Outlast – PC
More batteries than scares. Platform: PC Developer: Red Barrels Publisher: Red Barrels Release Date: September 4th, 2013 Genre: Survival Horror Nerd Rating: 7.5/10 Reviewed by: Kidd There are few horror games […]
American McGee’s Alice – Xbox 360
Platform: Xbox 360 Developer: Rogue Entertainment Publisher: Electronic Arts Release Date: June 2011 Genre: Horror Nerd Rating: 8 out of 10 American McGee’s Alice was solely released for the PC […]
Among The Sleep – PC
Platform: PC Developer: Krillbite Studio Publisher: Krillbite Studio Release Date: May 29, 2014 Genre: Survival Horror ESRB Rating: N/A Nerd Rating: 8 out of 10 Reviewed by Malefico “There is no […]
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