Transformers: Devastation – PlayStation 4
Platinum Games returns to lend their talents for excellent action games to the legendary Transformers franchise with Transformers: Devastation. NerdBacon’s News Director theWatchman finds out if there is more than meets the eye in our full review.
P.O.W.: Prisoners of War – NES
Are you searching for a difficult beat ’em up NES challenge? P.O.W.: Prisoners of War will test any retro gamer’s skills to the max. Do you have it in you to escape from P.O.W. single-handed? Score this bargain game and find out!
Monster in My Pocket – NES
Remember the Monster in My Pocket toyline from the early to mid 1990’s? Probably not, but I do. I loved collecting these little figures, and it was one of the first collections I ever truly completed. There’s a strong sense of nostalgia wrapped up in this game for me, but does it hold up objectively? Check out Nerd Bacon’s final official “Halloween-themed” review for October 2015 to find out!
Grave – PC
Nerdbacon’s ChronoSloth reviews the hastily assembled, but impressive beat ’em up, Grave. In the world of Grave, the lowly RPG skeleton is a mighty warrior.
Kung Fu – Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
Want to kick someone in the face? Well then, check out Kung Fu for the Nintendo Entertainment System! bbpower gives you the low down on one of the collective black box games. This is a true collector bargain game that any collector needs and retro gamer should play at least once!
Double Dragon – Nintendo Entertainment System
Nerd Bacon contributor, bbpower, reviews Double Dragon for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). Anyone wanting to beat the hell out of people should give this gang-busting classic a whirl. Who can ever resist that?
Double Dragon II – Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
Nerd Bacon newcommer, bbpower, fills you in on Double Dragon II: The Revenge for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). Rejoin Billy and Jimmy in this smash hit to take down the Black Warrior Gang in this popular, beat ’em up bargain game. If you are in the mood to bust some skulls, than this retro classic is for you.
Battletoads – Sega Genesis
Battletoads is a game that will forever live in infamy for its unusually sinister difficulty. Ever beat the game? Then you ought to be given an award – something on par with the Nobel Peace Prize should to do. Anyway, this is a game that drives many to opposing sides; some love Battletoads, some can’t stand it. Some may view it as just another forgettable Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles wannabe franchise. Whatever stance you may take on The Great Battletoads Debate, ZB is going to ride this 16-bit wave to bring you his verdict – and on the Sega Genesis, no less.
Bad Dudes Vs DragonNinja – Arcade
“Rampant ninja related crime these days…Nerd Bacon is not the exception…” ChronoSloth’s review of Bad Dudes vs DragonNinja contains Engrish and attitude.
TMNT IV: Turtles in Time – SNES
During the peak of TMNT’s popularity, Turtles in Time wowed players in both the arcades and on the Super Nintendo. Still hailed as one of the greatest beat ’em ups of all time, Turtles in Time draws its inspiration directly from the animated series that introduced so many of us to the Turtles.
Yakuza 3 – PS3
Nerd Bacon author ChonoSloth gives his take on this character driven, open-world RPG beat ’em up. There’s plenty to see, plenty to do, and plenty to punch.
TMNT III: The Manhattan Project – NES
While the first TMNT game for the NES received a decidedly mixed response, Konami hit on a winning formula with TMNT II and continued the beat ’em up format into the third installment, The Manhattan Project. There may not be any radically improved graphics or sophisticated mechanics in this sequel, but it is a solid beat ’em up for the NES with an energetic and fast-paced feel.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game – NES
Platform: NES Release Date (NA): December 1990 Developer: Konami Publisher: Konami Genre: Beat ’em up Nerd Rating: 8.5 out of 10 If you were fortunate enough to […]
They Bleed Pixels – PC
Platform: PC Developer: Spooky Squid Games Inc. Publisher: Spooky Squid Games Inc. Release Date: August 29, 2012 Genre: Beat ‘Em Up, Platforming Nerd Rating: 8 out of 10 Reviewed by ryanvoid Lovecraftian. Magical Girl. Beat ‘Em Up. […]
Venom/Spider-Man: Separation Anxiety – Genesis
Platform: Genesis Release Date (NA): November 1995 Developer: Software Creations Publisher: Acclaim Entertainment Genre: Beat ’em up Nerd Rating: 4.5 out of 10 As I stared at […]
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