Capcom Confirms Mega Man 11 at E3 2018
As fans geared up for E3 2018, Capcom, a company often shrouded in obscurity, confirmed that yes, Mega Man 11 is in the works. On Tuesday, May 29, the company issued a press release in anticipation of E3 2018 slating the newest entry to the iconic Mega Man series to release on October 2nd of this year.
Wow! An announcement and a release date and it’s only months away? I’m simply blown away. Not only that, but this game looks good. Here’s a trailer:
I don’t know about you, but this game is looking fine. The platforming calls back to the best that the series has to offer while still coming up with fresh and challenging ideas (note the strategic use of Mega Man’s dog Rush at 0:40). The graphics are nice and fresh with that pre-rendered 3D aesthetic that you can see in the latest Pokémon games.

Slowing down time with the Gear System looks amazing!
On top of all these really great features, Mega Man 11 will be including a new mechanic called the Gear System, allowing Mega Man to enhance his existing abilities while introducing new ones. In their press release, Capcom describes it as follows:
“Speed Gear – Introduces the ability to slow the flow of time, a useful tool for many situations such as navigating tricky platforming sections or avoiding fast-moving enemies or obstacles.
Power Gear – Allows players to charge the Mega Buster to a new level, and weapon-based abilities become even more robust.
Double Gear – When at critical health, Mega Man will gain access to a hidden ability to activate both gears simultaneously, unleashing maximum power and allowing for deft maneuvers in the direst situations.”
In all honesty, this sounds really impressive, and has the potential to open up Mega Man 11 to more complexity and intricacy in the execution of its gameplay. I know I’m really excited to see how it pans out.
Aside from new abilities and mechanics, Mega Man 11 also brings the promise of new enemies and bosses! Among these are Fuse Man, characterized by a bright yellow outfit with spark plugs attached to his head (hmm, I wonder what ability he has), and Block Man, a monstrous, lumbering Thing-like character made of bricks.
In the same press release, Capcom confirmed the release of the Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 + 2 for the Nintendo Switch, which encompasses the previous 10 titles of the series in one tidy package. Fans can also look forward to Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 + 2, featuring the more mature titles from the X series that will be released for the Switch on July 24th, 2018.
Wow! That’s a lot to take in! A new Mega Man game and some love for the Switch players? I’m simply floored, not to mention the fact that Mega Man 11 looks completely stellar with updated graphics, new enemies, and new mechanics. Out of Capcom’s many announcements this year, Mega Man 11 is surely among the most exciting.
Are you as excited as I am about Mega Man 11? If you have any thoughts or opinions on Capcom’s latest title, leave them in the comments section below.
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