Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly – PlayStation 2
The second a far superior game in this groundbreaking survival horror franchise, Fatal Frame follows Mayo and Mio Amakura two young twins who are lost a lost village. Loosely based around a Shinto “Shrine Maiden” ritual Mio comes across all kinds of aggressive spirits all bent on preventing her from saving her sister. Players control Mio as she wanders through the lost village, killing spirits by taking pictures of their souls with her camera obscura.
Fatal Frame – PlayStation 2
The first in this groundbreaking survival horror franchise, Fatal Frame follows Miku Hinasaki, a young girl who traverses the Himuro mansion in search of her brother Mafuyu. Loosely based around a Shinto “Strangling Ritual” Miku comes across all kinds of aggressive spirits all bent on preventing her from interrupting the ceremony. Players control Miku as she wanders through the Himuro Mansion, killing spirits by taking pictures of their souls with her camera obscura.
Dishonored – Xbox 360
An original title from Arkane Studios, this stealth adventure explores the betrayal of Empress Jassamine and the fall of guardian Corvo. After being framed for the death of Empress Jessamine and the kidnapping of her daughter Emily, Corvo is “supposedly” left for dead. As we murder our way to avenge the royal family, we learn about the corruption of the government and just how far people will go for the ability to wield power. Players complete their objectives in their own way, allowing for maximum stealth or maximum murder. With a massive amount of weapons and magic at your disposal, what will you choose?
State of Decay – Xbox 360 (Live Arcade)
Nerd Bacon’s writer Rhutsczar just finished playing State of Decay, giving it an okay score stating it is one hell of an emotional ride…plus zombies.
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