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Amazon is ending Amazon Underground

Amazon is ending Amazon Underground

Back in September of 2015, I reported on Amazon’s new appstore called Amazon Underground. The idea behind the program was to offer apps completely free with free in-app purchases, and this was accomplished by Amazon making a deal with the developers in which they were paid based on the amount of time a user spent in their app. Many huge app developers, including Disney and Rovio, signed onto the program.


Unfortunately, Amazon announced Friday that they are shutting down the Amazon Underground app and the ‘Actually-Free’ program. Access to the store will continue through to the end of the summer, and support for the app will be ending in 2019. Amazon devices, however, will have the actually free section of the app store shut down during the summer of 2017. That being said, the Underground app will remain for shopping on Amazon, accessing Prime benefits, and retaining functionality on previously installed Amazon Underground apps.  If you are an owner of a Fire Tablet, you will be able to use previously installed apps from the program. However, access to the store will not extend beyond currently supported devices. As of May 31st, Amazon will stop taking developer submissions for the program, but current developers will be able to update their apps through 2019. Developers will also continue to be paid for the time spent in their application per the contract they agreed to.


Should any more important information be released, I will update this article. Until then, I recommend getting any Actually Free apps you would like before the store shuts down on your device.


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