Take To The High Seas in Sea Of Thieves – Rare’s Newest Title For Xbox One – E3 2015

Yar! Hoist that mast matey!! Hopefully Sea of Thieves will feature a pirate-talk tutorial, because I have no idea what I just wrote.
Speculation has run rampant over the past few months as to what U.K. developer Rare, the creators of hits like Perfect Dark, Banjo Kazooie, Conker’s Bad Fur Day, etc would announce at E3 2015. Most, including this reporter, placed their bets on a revival of the beat ’em up classic, Battletoads. And while that game will see a return in Rare’s upcoming compilation disk, Rare Revival, that isn’t what the company had in store for us during the Microsoft E3 2015 press conference yesterday.
Instead of battling frogs on the mean streets, Rare is calling gamer’s to arms to battle in the high seas, and live the free life of a swashbuckling pirate in their latest title, Sea of Thieves.
Not much is known yet about Sea of Thieves. We do know that it is a massively multiplayer pirate game that gives you the freedom to live out all you pirating fantasies. We also know that Rare Studio Head Craig Duncan introduced Sea of Thieves as the “most ambitious game that we [Rare] has ever created.”
The footage from the Sea of Thieves debut trailer, which we have posted for your viewing pleasure below, opens with your character looking around, taking in the stylized environment in first-person. A bell quickly sounds, calling all on shore to arms; another pirate, representing another player’s character, runs towards a clearing revealing a pirate ship just off the shore, and then… well you should probably just take a look for yourself.
Sea of Thieves is currently targeting a Holiday 2016 launch, so we should be hearing more about it in the coming months.
Stay tuned to NerdBacon for more info on Sea of Thieves, as well as all the biggest games from E3 2015 right here.
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