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Silent Hills Bites the Dust – Promising Reboot Cancelled

Silent Hills Bites the Dust – Promising Reboot Cancelled

Konami confirmed today what many have feared for the past several weeks; Silent Hills, the reboot of the Silent Hill franchise, is no more. The reboot of the game was to have featured a collaboration between legendary game director Hideo Kojima and film director Guillero del Torro.

Konami is committed to new Silent Hill titles, however the embryonic ‘Silent Hills’ project developed with Guillermo del Toro and featuring the likeness of Norman Reedus will not be continued,” said a press release issued by Konami earlier today.

The confirmation of Silent Hills cancellation came after Del Torro let the news slip that Silent Hills would not be released during a Q&A session as part of the 58th San Francisco Film Festival.

“It’s not going to happen,” Del Torro informed the fans in attendance, “and that breaks my greasy heart.”

Actor Norman Reedus of The Walking Dead fame echoed the news of the demise of Silent Hills  via Twitter.

Super bummed about this was really looking forward to it. Hopefully it’ll come back around. Sorry everyone.”

Silent Hills was first revealed via a playable demo entitled P.T. which was released via the PlayStation Store following 2014’s Gamescom event. The genuinely creepy demo was not advertised as a demo for Silent Hills, instead opting to reveal its true nature after players had survived their way to the end. A brief trailer featuring a digital Norman Reedus then revealed that the entire P.T. experience was a demo for Silent Hills. The P.T. demo experiment was very well received by players and the press, with website Polygon even declaring it their #10 game of the year for 2014.

silent hills

P.T. was a brilliantly creepy proof of concept for Silent Hills, however after Wednesday, both will be gone forever.

The future of Silent Hills development had been cast in doubt following the reports of Hideo Kojima’s departure from Konami. Rumors started circulating that the long-time Metal Gear series director had parted ways with the studio after Konami removed Kojima’s name from promotional materials for the upcoming Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Konami has said that the removal of Kojima’s name, as well as the dissolving of Kojima’s production studio was part of an internal restructuring, however both sides have not officially confirmed or denied Kojima’s future employment status.

In addition to the Silent Hills scrapping, Konami also said that P.T. would be removed from the PlayStation Store on Wednesday April 29th.

Source: IGNVG24/7


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