Final Fantasy VII – PlayStation
Platform: PlayStation
Developer: Square Product Development Division 1
Publisher: SCEA
Release Date (NA): September, 7, 1997
Genre: Role-Playing-Game
Ranking: Paragon of Perfection
Reviewed by: Juuchi Yosamu
This is a game that needs no introduction. To be honest I was horrified to be the first person here to review this game, but not seeing it among the list of games is a travesty. Out of all the games I’ve ever owned, I have the most time clocked into this one (at least 2,000 hours) and it never really gets old to me. When I first played through the game I missed so many things (I don’t use walkthroughs etc.) and every time I played it I discovered something new. There’s only 2 games that I have more time clocked into than this, and that’s Final Fantasy XI and XIV. (As you can see the completionist in me is strong… I hate it sometimes.)
The protagonist, Cloud Strife, begins the story as a mercenary for hire, employed by a eco terrorist group known as Avalanche. Cloud’s mission is to destroy the Mako Reactors that surround a town known as Midgar which is governed by Shinra. Barret, the leader of Avalanche, believes that Shinra is going to exhaust the planets lifeblood, which is what the Mako reactors draw energy from, and eventually destroy the world. Cloud’s roots run deep within Shinra as a member of their elite unit known as “SOLDIER”. Cloud’s past eventually catches up with him and in order to rid himself of his demons and save the world from certain destruction, he and his friends must band together and take up arms against mankind’s greatest adversary.
If you have played any of the previous Final Fantasy titles then you will feel right at home. The battle system is turn based, just like the rest. Final Fantasy VII is the first to introduce Limit Breaks, a powerful deathblow which can be initiated after a certain amount of damage is sustained. Other than that, everything else, more or less, will be familiar if your a Final Fantasy fan.
Materia & Slots
One of the biggest changes between VII and the previous Final Fantasy titles is the method in which you obtain your skills and magic. In Final Fantasy VII your weapons and bangles will have slots (with some exceptions) into which you can insert Materia. Materia is crystallized Mako and Mako is essentially the blood of the planet. Anyone who holds Materia can call upon the power of the ancients to summon forth magic. Materia will level up and become stronger after collecting enough AP which you will receive along with EXP after a battle. Now there are 5 different kinds of Materia, green, red, pink, yellow and purple. Green Materia is magic, Fire, Ice, Lightning, cure, etc. Equipping a green Materia will allow you to cast the magic corresponding to the Materia. Red Materia is used to summon (what would be espers in Final Fantasy VI) creatures to deal damage to all opponents on the battle field. Yellow Materia are skills, equipping a yellow Materia will give you access to a certain skill such as steal. Pink Materia is support, equipping a pink Materia will give you additional stat bonuses such as HP boost. Finally the most complicated Materia of them all, Purple Materia is enhancing. Now the slots on your weapons can be single or linked. Purple Materia is only usable in a linked slot and uses the Materia linked to it. Most green Materia magic is cast on a single target, for example if you were to equip “Fire” on a linked slot with “All” (which is a purple Materia) you can choose to hit a single target or all targets. Using certain combinations of Materia can prove to be extremely advantageous.
Limit Break
Limit Breaks are a great addition to the series, (which will be added to every FF following VII under a different name) it adds a way out when your back is against the wall. 95% of the Limit Breaks are offensive and deal immense damage, the only issue I have with that (which will be patched in X and solved in XI +) once your characters max out in damage (9,999) unless the Limit Break is multifold, it is ultimately worthless.
Graphics & Audio
When I first got this game, it was in the top of it’s class, I about damn near cried in some of the cutscenes. Everything brings me to a different place, the scenery, the characters, the monsters, I love it all. This wasn’t my first Final Fantasy, so a lot did bring me back to my roots of Role-Playing-Games. Nobuo Uematsu is the man; the music goes perfectly with the scenarios, uplifting, forlorn, energetic, the music is very moving. “Still More Fighting” (boss battle music) is still in my work out playlist, makes me feel like I can run through walls.

I love exploring, the world map has always brought me countless hours of joy. Exploring every inch of the map for hidden areas or enemies.
I like almost all Final Fantasy titles. They almost all have great stories, but Final Fantasy VII was the first that really impacted me. What annoys me (in games, movies, books) is when a character is introduced to the story with nothing, no background, no growth, no rhyme nor reason. It takes me back to Nintendo where your characters default name is Player and you just play the game, why? Who knows, hey there’s some guy holding a sword, want to go hit things with sticks? Sure! And that’s all the story you get. In Final Fantasy VII every character has their own story, they join for their own reasons and they all grow with you. Rushing through the game will cost you dearly, my first play through I missed out in at least 30% of the Materia and… a character… I missed a character.. there was a gaping hole in the story. The whole time I’m sitting there asking myself “Who the hell is this they keep talking about!?” I’ve always loved the stories in the Final Fantasy series, they are captivating, it’s like playing a good book. If you haven’t played this game yet, I highly recommend it, I could go on about the hours I poured into the game and how much I enjoyed it but ultimately it was the story that won me over.

As you may have guessed…. I missed Vincent Valentine, and that cut me deep. He’s the only character you can actually miss. You have to have Yuffie in order to enter Wutai….. believe me, I tried ditching her… nyuk nyuk nyuk…. I can’t stand her.
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